That will keep your business growing and growing. Your customers and even a few of your prospects can be influenced to purchase your goods through a variety of marketing channels. There’s email, a call-to-action on a web page, text messaging, LinkedIn, and yes, even direct mail. It’s always recommended to use the channel of choice […]
New Movers Program
Informed Delivery Stats and Tips
Creating an effective marketing campaign that cuts through the daily digital clutter can be challenging. And in today’s climate, often it will mean developing different strategies, concepts and changing how you approach sending your brands message to new territories. But with Informed Delivery from the United States Postal Service (USPS)® communicating with this technique can […]
The Fabulous Four Basics from Marketing 101
After a slowdown from a holiday season in retail or hitting a speed bump in business-to-business sales, there is an opportunity to get back to the basics in your marketing communications and promotions. Some businesses use a slowdown to work on their business and be ready for the next growth spurt. As one company president […]
How to Use Story Telling Within a Brochure…
and other channels to enhance the impact of your message. Brochures use to be the workhorse of marketing and selling. They were handed to prospects, distributed at trade show, offered on a website, inserted into product fulfillment packaging, and so on. Today, you’ll need great copywriting, design, photos, landing pages and a variety of channels […]
Meet Stella, Our New Office Dog
A beloved pet can never be replaced, but when a new one comes into your life, it’s a beautiful thing when you share the love that’s in your heart. Meet Stella, our new office dog. #Print #Mail #Digital #DirectMarketing #PromotionalProducts #PiedmontDirect #pdmgso #Greensboro #Triad #WinstonSalem #NorthCarolina #HighPoint