There is immediate value with the sale now.
An old pro golf instructor once said that there is no better feeling than when your approach shot takes your turn on the green and rolls into the cup. Now the fun begins. You try to land all your shots in the fairway avoiding all the hazards on the course.
Good direct marketing mail people in our business understand the importance of creating a sense of urgency in a direct mail offer. The value of having the sale happen now is that if it does not, it may not happen at all.
If the sale happens now, it increases the likelihood that another sale will happen later. Here are a few of the tried and true strategies to help your customers and prospects overcome the dreaded disease of procrastination!
- Increase prices. A price increase always tracks attention. Before you raise the prices, contact all your customers and prospects by email and direct marketing mail to hurry and get their next order in before the increase.People love to save money. Remind them that if they do not buy now, they will have to pay more with the next order. Make sure you give people ample notice and time to respond.
- Supplies are limited. It may be a limited supply of last years’ version or limited at the old price. The copy should gently remind them there will be a long wait if the order is not placed by the deadline or a missed opportunity.
- Bonus for ordering now! Everyone loves to get something extra. When you add value and offer a bonus, you may be able to convince your customers and prospects to respond more quickly. This is a tried and true method that is still used extensively today – because it still works!
- Use words that activate. Hurry call now. You have 10 days to decide. This offer will not be repeated. Sometimes these expressions seem corny, but they really do motivate. Buyers in today’s fast-paced economy and with digital messaging from other channels at them from many different directions will make believers of your direct marketing mail message.
Obviously, there are many ways to create a sense of urgency. Keep track of the ones that work and note if there is a segment of people in your database that can make the mailing even more relevant.
Combining tricks and tactics, using different communication channels, working with benefits, motivating your readers to consider something new, all point to how much fun direct marketing can be. It may not be as much fun as sinking a long putt, but it does build your revenue when everything clicks. And, that is what we are in business for.
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