When you start developing customer profiles, keep it simple. Place customers who purchased into one group. Use another prospective group for someone who may still purchase. Add what they purchased or will purchase into the profile. What is the product or service used for? Whatever information you collected for your customer profiles, will perpetuate new […]
Meet Stella, Our New Office Dog
A beloved pet can never be replaced, but when a new one comes into your life, it’s a beautiful thing when you share the love that’s in your heart. Meet Stella, our new office dog. #Print #Mail #Digital #DirectMarketing #PromotionalProducts #PiedmontDirect #pdmgso #Greensboro #Triad #WinstonSalem #NorthCarolina #HighPoint
When advertising ideas are becoming harder to come by, here are three resources for better customer acquisition.
As you venture into the abyss of past ideas you hang on to, which served you well when used in earlier marketing strategies and advertising tactics, shake off the rust today and start a new era of idea generation. “It’s time to gather a collection of current day-to-day advertising materials, meet with your team and […]