When you start developing customer profiles, keep it simple. Place customers who purchased into one group. Use another prospective group for someone who may still purchase. Add what they purchased or will purchase into the profile. What is the product or service used for? Whatever information you collected for your customer profiles, will perpetuate new ideas to move a prospect toward a purchase in future marketing and sales. Once you see success from your customer profiling, start to build marketing and sales segments. Creating a segment can be something as simple as male or female, geographical location, age, occupation, buyers, management and anything specialized for the use of your product. Also, use whatever simple product characteristics stand out across all contacts. Segmentation using targeting and positioning is a familiar strategic approach used for direct to customer marketing.
“Why do I need to do this?”
The key is to connect with customers and potential customers with a message relevant to their needs in order to create successful segments. Knowing your customer and prospect data, increases response from direct marketing mail and customer ads leading to more data to achieve better marketing results.
What are the buying traits of your customers?
The best buyers purchase at specific intervals and are usually found in the top 20% of purchasers.
Look carefully into each contact and try to determine how the original connection occurred. What channel did you or they use to connect? Was it email, social media, direct mail, web site or face-to-face? Within a segment? Customer profile? This is just beginning to place the good information you need in your data.
Learning more about your customers and upgrading their profiles and segments accordingly will give you a much-needed boost in sales. Hard work does reward us on occasion !In addition, you’re getting into a routine of collecting more data about those prospects and clients.
Please call or email us at 877-271-3004/mary@pdmgso.com or visit our website for information about our strategic direct marketing mail services.