That will keep your business growing and growing. Your customers and even a few of your prospects can be influenced to purchase your goods through a variety of marketing channels. There’s email, a call-to-action on a web page, text messaging, LinkedIn, and yes, even direct mail. It’s always recommended to use the channel of choice […]
How to make sure your message is getting to the right household
Out of all the houses in a neighborhood, there will be a select few that perfectly fit the profile of your target customer. The donors for your nonprofit fit a specific demographic and you want to attract additional like-minded individuals. Maybe you don’t have the budget for blind promotions and need to rely on a […]
Your market may have a larger share of skeptical purchasers who cannot flip the switch.
Here are a few ways to turn them into confident buyers using direct marketing mail. During the recent pandemic, many changes have occurred in the way people live. They are learning how to adjust to the new standards. Now is the time to update corporate databases of customers and prospects. You may find that many […]
Data is gold found in your customers, sales, prospects and any other marketing lists…
but you need to mine your lists and categorize each to get that shiny gold you want. Today’s customers, prospects, sales leads and so-called contact list of maybes can be reached using a ton of tactical marketing channels daily. The glaring question most people search an answer for “Which marketing channel is the best one for us to use?” The best answer may be all of them. What channels do your customers respond to? All your contacts in your databases control the marketing communication […]
Create A Sense of Immediacy or Urgency in Your Offer
There is Immediate Value With The Sale Now. An old pro golf instructor once said that there is no better feeling than when your approach shot takes your turn on the green and rolls into the cup. Now the fun begins. You try to land all your shots in the fairway avoiding all the hazards […]