An old pro golf instructor once said that there is no better feeling than when your approach shot takes your turn on the green and rolls into the cup. Now the fun begins. You try to land all your shots in the fairway avoiding all the hazards on the course. Good direct marketing people understand […]
Fine Tune Marketing and Selling During the Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic turned the business world upside down. The true value of direct mail really came through. Everyone still needed to go to their mailboxes. Our customers who continued to print and mail received better than normal response. It has always been a challenge to create consistently awesome attractions. But now, it is an […]
Visuals attract and make the reader pause…
now pounce on them with an offer they can’t refuse. Direct and digital marketing strategies is a combination of words and pictures and ideas. A great idea without compelling words often goes unnoticed. Great words without the ability to attract the consumer’s attention often doom those glorious words to oblivion. Great visual images without substantive […]
A solution provider can eliminate a lot of busy work.
Striving for more engagement requires a solution person in your marketing or sales team. A great takeaway we learned from website analytics is centered around these two direct marketing words; attention and attraction. The copy, design, the selected communication channel and the offer you make is the attention. Something stopped them – it caught […]
2021 USPS Mail Promotions
USPS has developed the 2021 Mail Promotions Calendar for marketers, printers, and mailers. These promotions are created to increase overall mail value and help businesses increase their return on investment using the mail. Each promotion period ranges between 3 to 6 months. For more information, contact us. Take a look … Reference: USPS | PostalPro […]