that will keep your business growing and growing. Your customers and even a few of your prospects can be influenced to purchase your goods through a variety of marketing channels. There’s email, a call-to-action on a web page, text messaging, LinkedIn, and yes, even direct mail. It’s always recommended to use the channel of choice […]
What’s new in direct Mail?
One, Gratification and Trust plus, Two, Marketing Teamwork The “less mailbox” competition arguments are many but mainly, marketers are promoting more useful products to their customers and prospects. They are using a type of direct mail that contains “positive product” information and not just a piece of paper that gets lumped in with the trash. […]
The right time for better business growth starts today.
After all that’s what your planning time is all about. Keeping you and your employees on a continuous planning schedule, will reap greater rewards toward the success of a prospecting program. The world of direct marketing and mail has changed dramatically since 2007, adding more meaning to “only the strong survive.” Ten years later, business […]
Advertising: Resources for better customer acquisition
In the first article there are ideas, attraction, and multi-channel or multi-media. As you venture into the abyss of past ideas you hang on to, which served you well when used in earlier marketing strategies and advertising tactics, shake off the rust today and start a new era of idea generation. “It’s time to gather […]