In the days of yonder… at a past time in the history of direct mail, everyone with a mailbox got the same mailing. Occupant eventually became a code name for “here is your junk mail.” But it started to increase sales, so more companies got on the band wagon and started using direct mail. These […]
Tips For A Successful Direct Mail Campaign
There’s no doubt that businesses worldwide have been impacted by the health crisis that has been going on for quite some time. Still, marketers look for ways both old and new to effectively market their company’s brand to their target audience. In today’s infographic, a tried and true method – direct mail – still get’s […]
How an envelope creates a first impression for your promotion…
the same way clothes create a first impression for you. Everyone likes a bit of respect now and then. If you are leaning toward your first direct mail program in quite some time or are a regular user of direct mail, or want to try direct mail, envelopes are a great option. For some unknown, […]
How to Deliver a Successful Direct Mail Campaign
#Print #Mail #Digital #DirectMarketing #PromotionalProducts #PiedmontDirect #pdmgso #Greensboro #Triad #WinstonSalem #NorthCarolina #HighPoint From Visually.
Visuals attract and make the reader pause…
now pounce on them with an offer they can’t refuse. Direct and digital marketing strategies is a combination of words and pictures and ideas. A great idea without compelling words often goes unnoticed. Great words without the ability to attract the consumer’s attention often doom those glorious words to oblivion. Great visual images without substantive […]