It seems every day, more and more advertisements arrive on whatever digital you are reading, except for a hard cover book. Most, if not all just happen, and usually arrive at the most inopportune time.
You are not hearing this for the first time but learning how to study your marketing data is critical to help meet your marketing goals. Your company today, must capture and study marketing data, to determine what you need if your goal is to increase sales.
Marketing data for your database usually makes one feel like trying to climb out of the Grand Canyon. Relax. Start easy and look for similar segments among your contacts. Compile a few samples and test. For example, what is the percentage of your best customers you can always count on to purchase? Why do they purchase?
Try to compile all potential contacts in your database in groups. Make three purchasing segments, such as the number of consistent customers as A, B for some time customers, and C for those use to purchase or prospective customers that never made a purchase.
Customers that receive relevant messages tend to respond at a higher rate. Revenue increases with every marketing campaign. Add as much information as possible to your database. Data is the key for business and more business for the future.
Learn something about the recipient which provides a significant benefit for your company advertising. Personalization used with multi-channel marketing is a double whammy producing a significant increase in responses. However, never forget the intricacies of personalization.
“Personalization assumes that you know something about the people to whom you are mailing, emailing, or sending to a landing page and so on.”
Your customers and even a few of your prospects can be influenced to purchase your goods through a variety of marketing channels. There’s email, a call-to-action on a web page, text messaging, LinkedIn, and yes, even direct mail. It’s always recommended to use the communication channel of choice favored by the people who want to hear from you.
PDM can provide you with information about how our strategic direct marketing mail services can get your message directly to your customer. Get in touch today!