Learn something about the recipient which provides a significant benefit for your company advertising.
Personalization used with multi-channel marketing is a double whammy producing a significant increase in responses. However, never forget the intricacies of personalization.
“Personalization assumes that you know something about the people to whom you are mailing, emailing, or sending to a landing page and so on.”
It’s an effective way to help your customers spend their money on your products and services.
A word of caution. Be careful how you use personalized mail, email or any other communication channel your customers prefer. When you presume too much too soon –– what we call “presumptuous personalization” –– you could do more harm than good.
So, here’s a simple and safe way to move forward with personalization. Marketing today must be strategic, important, and ideally beneficial to your customers. Targeted advertising can meet your marketing goals and provide a good return on your marketing investment.
Read any marketing blog, you’ll find from small business to the largest companies, there is misconception when, how and why using personalization. Here are three rules we use to guide us as we look deeper into data and personalization.
Rule number one. Use a greater amount of personalization for house lists, prospects, clients and customers who have purchased from you before. After all, they made a purchase, and know you exist.
Naturally, customers expect that you should and would know some things about them and their buying habits. So, when you first become familiar, relating to their needs, it is because they opened the door first.
Conversely, use less personalization when you haven’t previously done business with someone, even though they have characteristics in your customer segments or profiles. If you use too much personalization with prospects you do not know, they may see this as an invasion of privacy, stolen data or made up data.
Rule number two. Using personalization with past customers can never hurt your reputation. Go ahead and add some pizzazz to stop their eye movement and get a few more seconds of attention that can make a difference. A study of your data analytics may answer your questions on the type of personalization you need to track, which may lead a past customer to purchase again.
When you use personalization wisely and appropriately, it is powerful, attracts attention, increases readership, and invariably boosts the chances for a response.
Use an advertising program with multiple channels and deeper personalization, by looking closer at a purchase history, yields a greater response rate. So, the more you know about them is especially useful when your company is looking for more business
Rule number three. In today’s data-driven marketing era, it’s important to know the way to capture more customer information and use it in future business and marketing decisions.
Eventually, advertising will yield a better response on selling your products and services. Plus, the added information helps customer service and your sales team to sell more products and services. No matter how great your product or service is, the fact remains “that those who have a need for what you have to offer, must be aware of what you have to offer.”
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