Out of all the houses in a neighborhood, there will be a select few that perfectly fit the profile of your target customer. The donors for your nonprofit fit a specific demographic and you want to attract additional like-minded individuals. Maybe you don’t have the budget for blind promotions and need to rely on a more targeted approach to direct mail spending. If you know the characteristics of your current customers/donors (age, gender, income level, ethnic background, location, etc.) you can craft a marketing strategy that targets others who mirror those characteristics.
Acquisition mailings to prospects who fit your current customer/donor mold will be more effective when you use targeted mailing lists. Targeted mailing lists can be compiled and purchased from several companies including Piedmont Direct Mail. To reach the right audience, know who will benefit from your product or service and target that demo.
Here are some examples:
- A pediatric dentistry practice will want to purchase a list of people with children and not waste marketing dollars on those who don’t
- A new apartment complex that is opening soon will want to mail prospects who tend to be more transient. A targeted approach will mail Generation Z and Millennial’s, not Baby Boomers.
- A company that sells luxury products or services will need to purchase an income-based list to ensure those who receive the offering have the disposable income or meet a specified income minimum.
Here is a sampling of demographic selections available from most list brokers.
- Gender
- Occupation
- Ethnicity
- Marital Status
- Dwelling Type
- Homeowner Status (Own/Rent Indicators)
- Length of Residence
- Estimated Home Value (ECHV)
- Income
- Age (min/max or both)
- Education Level
- Presence of Children (and ages)
- Political Preferences
- Donor/Charitable Contributions
- Net Worth
- Lifestyle Interests
- Purchasing Behaviors
- Purchase Amount Ranges
Many marketers spend a considerable portion of their budget on producing creative content. An imaginative postcard or self-mailer is useless on the wrong audience. Knowing who your ideal prospect is and where to find them is just as important as an inspiring marketing mailer.
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