Out of all the houses in a neighborhood, there will be a select few that perfectly fit the profile of your target customer. The donors for your nonprofit fit a specific demographic and you want to attract additional like-minded individuals. Maybe you don’t have the budget for blind promotions and need to rely on a […]
Direct Marketing
Stay close to your prospects and customers to learn more about them
It seems every day, more and more advertisements arrive on whatever digital you are reading, except for a hard cover book. Most, if not all just happen, and usually arrive at the most inopportune time. You are not hearing this for the first time but learning how to study your marketing data is critical to […]
Direct marketing, mail, digital marketing, and multi-channel
Direct marketing, mail, digital marketing, and multi-channel. The combination of direct marketing, mail, digital marketing and multi-channel, is the triple performance that will lead to a double-digit response for your mailing. Using more channels in a marketing campaign reaches more prospects and customers. Adding print-on-paper lets the reader have a physical presence with the digital […]
Informed Delivery Stats and Tips
Creating an effective marketing campaign that cuts through the daily digital clutter can be challenging. And in today’s climate, often it will mean developing different strategies, concepts and changing how you approach sending your brands message to new territories. But with Informed Delivery from the United States Postal Service (USPS)® communicating with this technique can […]
The Fabulous Four Basics from Marketing 101
After a slowdown from a holiday season in retail or hitting a speed bump in business-to-business sales, there is an opportunity to get back to the basics in your marketing communications and promotions. Some businesses use a slowdown to work on their business and be ready for the next growth spurt. As one company president […]