When you start developing customer profiles, keep it simple. Place customers who purchased into one group. Use another prospective group for someone who may still purchase. Add what they purchased or will purchase into the profile. What is the product or service used for? Whatever information you collected for your customer profiles, will perpetuate new […]
Direct Marketing
Which marketing channel is best?
Today’s customers, prospects, sales leads and so-called contact list of maybes can be reached using a ton of tactical marketing channels daily. The glaring question most people search an answer for ”Which marketing channel is the best one for us to use?” The answer may be all of them. What channels do your customers respond […]
Create a sense of urgency in your offer.
An old pro golf instructor once said that there is no better feeling than when your approach shot takes your turn on the green and rolls into the cup. Now the fun begins. You try to land all your shots in the fairway avoiding all the hazards on the course. Good direct marketing people understand […]
Fine Tune Marketing and Selling During the Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic turned the business world upside down. The true value of direct mail really came through. Everyone still needed to go to their mailboxes. Our customers who continued to print and mail received better than normal response. It has always been a challenge to create consistently awesome attractions. But now, it is an […]
Don’t let your marketing message get lost. Keep it simple.
There is an old saying represented by the acronym K.I.S.S. that means “keep it simple, stupid.” The idea is that less is more when we want to communicate a simple idea. Advertisers use creative efforts to stand out from competitors in print, online or on television. Sometimes the level of creativity can overshadow the simplicity […]